
What is percha2?

Percha2 is a teaching tool suitable for all ages with which you will learn about the birds of Colombia while having fun.

The birds belonging to the game are the 57 most distributed for the Colombian territory through the platform.

There is always a single bird in common between two cards in the deck. Identify it and win!

Before you start playing…

If you never played Percha2 before, start drawing two random cards and placing them face-up on the table so that everyone can see.

Find the matching birds between these two cards (same shape, same color; only the size may be different).

The first player to spot the matching symbol must call out its name or signal it with the finger, so you can find the bird´s name at the list; then draw two new cards, and repeat these steps until all the players clearly understand hat there is always one —and only one—matching symbol between any two cards. That’s it.

Now you’re ready to play Percha2, This methodology is also a game mode, where the person who finds the bird in common keeps the two cards; whoever is left with the most cards at the end wins.

Game modes

The Well

Deal one card per player, the others are stacked, revealing only one, each player must look for the bird that is repeated in their card and the pot, when someone find it, the player must say the name aloud and take the card from the pot, there is no shifts; Whoever has the most cards wins. You can play it in reverse, dealing the cards evenly among the players and leaving one in the center to identify the pairs; winning who runs out of cards first.

Imagen ilustrativa: ¿Cómo jugar Percha2?

Hot Potato

deal the cards equally; the players will put one card in their hands. The card must be held flat in the palm of a steady hand so everyone can see it.

If you spot a matching bird between your card and another player’s card, call it out and place your card face-up on top of the other player’s card.

If you have two or more cards in your hand look only at your top card for a

When you spot it, give all your cards to the player who has the match.
Repeat play in this manner until one player has all the cards. That player loses.

You can play this mode with the whole deck or with fewer cards to play a faster game.

Imagen ilustrativa: ¿Cómo jugar papa caliente?


Deal the cards among the players, this mode is played in turns, each player must guess one of the 57 birds of the game while putting one of their cards face up, if one of the images of the card matches with what was guessed, everyone must put their hand on the card. The last player to put his hand will keep all the cards that are on the table. Whoever runs out of cards first wins.

Poisoned gift

Shuffle the cards and deal one card face-down to each player.

Place the remaining cards face-up in the middle of the table to form the draw pile.

At the same time, players flip over their cards. Players look for a match between the center card and any of the other players’ cards.

If you spot a match, call it out. Take the center card and place it on top of the other player’s card on which you found the match.

This is the “Poisoned Gift” because you give an unwanted card to an opponent. The revealed card on the center stack becomes the new card that players use to find a match.

Continue playing until the draw pile is gone.

The player with the least number of cards wins the game.


Place all the cards face down in a pile, one player takes the first 9 cards and places them face-up on the table as shown below.

How to play triplet?

Then, at the same time the players try to find a matching bird on 3 cards, the same bird must be present on all three cards to make a matching set; as soon as you find the matching birds call out its name (example «Osprey») take the cards and reload with another 3 cards from the deck.

When there are fewer than 9 left cards on the table and no matching sets left, the game ends and the player with most cards wins.

I want it!

We send Percha2 to any city in Colombia, just send us a mesage through socialmedia.

List of birds

IlustraciónN. Común (es)N. InglésN. Científico
Lora CabeciamarillaYellow-crowned AmazonAmazona ochrocephala
Terlaque andinoBlack-bellied Mountain-toucanAndigena nigrirostris
Pato agujaAnhingaAnhinga anhinga
Guacamaya BanderaScarlet MacawAra macao
Garcita bueyeraCattle EgretBubulcus ibis
Cacique lomiamarilloYellow-rumped CaciqueCacicus cela
Tangara multicolorMulticolored tanagerChlorochrysa nitidissima
PlataneroBananaquitCoereba flaveola
Carpintero moteadoSpot-breasted WoodpeckerColaptes punctigula
TortolitaRuddy Ground DoveColumbina talpacoti
GarrapateroSmooth-billed AniCrotophaga ani
Dacnis azulBlue DacnisDacnis cayana
Suiriri piquirrojo / pisingoBlack-bellied Whistling-duckDendrocygnaa autumnalis
Carpintero realLineated WoodpeckerDryocopus lineatus
Torito cabecirrojoRed-headed BarbetEubucco bourcierii
Eufonia piquigruesaThick-billed EuphoniaEuphonia laniirostris
Colibrí collarejoWhite-Necked JacobinFlorisuga mellivora
Periquito de anteojosSpectacled ParrotletForpus conspicillatus
GuacoLaughing FalconHerpetotheres cachinnans
Turpial montañero / TocheYellow-backed OrioleIcterus chrysater
Manakin barbiblancoWhite-bearded ManakinManacus manacus
Martín gigante neotropicalRinged KingfisherMegaceryle torquata
Currucutú / Autilio cholibaTropical Screech-owlMegascops choliba
Caracara chimachimaYellow-headed CaracaraMilvago chimachima
Mirla guayabera / Sinsonte tropicalTropical MockingbirdMimus gilvus
BarranqueroAndean MotmotMomotus aequatorialis
BienparadoCommon PotooNyctibius griseus
Bujio / guardacaminos pauraqueCommon PauraqueNyctidromus albicollis
GuacharacaColombian ChachalacaOrtalis columbiana
Águila pescadoraOspreyPandion haliaetus
Coquito / IbisBare-faced IbisPhimosus infuscatus
Soledad de montaña / Cuco ardillaSquirrel CuckooPiaya cayana
Lora cabeciazulBlue-headed ParrotPionus menstruus
Piranga rojaSummer TanagerPiranga rubra
BichofuéGreat KiskadeePitangus sulphuratus
Tingua azulPurple GallinulePorphyrio martinica
Golondrina barranqueraBlue-and-White SwallowPygochelidon cyanoleuca
Cardenal / Atrapamoscas pechirrojoVermilion FlycatcherPyrocephalus rubinus
Gavilán polleroRoadside HawkRupornis magnitrostris
Reinita gorjinaranjaBlackburnian WarblerSetophaga fusca
Canario costeño / Chirigué azafranadoSaffron FinchSicalis flaveola
Piscuís pechiblanco / Chamicero pálidoPale-breasted SpinetailSynallaxis albescens
Tangará cabecibaya o cabecirrufaBay-headed TanagerTangara gyrola
Tangará golondrinaSwallow TanagerTersina viridis
Zafiro coronado / CoroniazulCrowned WoodnymphThalurania colombica
Batará barradoBarred AntshrikeThamnophilus doliatus
AzulejoBlue and gray TanagerThraupis episcopus
Azulejo palmero / GriselejoPalm TanagerThraupis palmarum
Titirijí / Espatulilla comúnCommon Tody-FlycatcherTodirostrum cinereum
Cucarachero – Chochín criolloHouse WrenTroglodytes aedon
Trogón collarejoCollared TrogonTrogon collaris
Sirirí tijereta / Tijereta sabaneraFork-tailed FlycatcherTyrannus savana
Alcaraván / PellarSouthern LapwingVanellus chilensis
Cóndor de los andesAndean condorVultur gryphus
Picocuña / PicoleznaPlain XenopsXenops minutus
Tórtola torcazaEared DoveZenaida auriculata
Copetón / Gorrión / PincheRufous-collared SparrowZonotrichia capensis
Nombres e imágenes de las aves contenidas




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